Thursday, May 28, 2009

IT'S A BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My daughter called today after she had her sonogram and we are having a boy!!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad she's having a boy that makess it an even playing field now that will give me two grandsons and two granddaughters....So far the baby is healthy which is really all that I care about, the sex is nice but a healthy baby is what matters. This lil one has a due date of Oct. 31. I told my daughter she needs to have it in Nov. that way the grandchildren's birthdays will be Sept. Oct. Nov. and's make it easier on grandma's


  1. Congratulations!!! This is wonderful news :)

  2. matt said i might be able to make it to kansas in oct....for the baby....u wanna try to go with me?
